Spicing Up the Jays Clubhouse
Calman and I were chatting about how there are no real “characters” on the 2008 Jays.
Cito used to deal with some inflated egos in George Bell, Roberto Alomar, Jack Morris and there was never any real dissention in the early 1990’s. We think the 2008 Jays need to go out and party with the likes of Todd Stottlemyre and Pat Borders. Team them up with clean cut, preppy likes of Jesse Litsch, Adam Lind, Dustin McGowan, Jesse Carlson and Jeremy Accardo and let them go out on the town for one alcohol fueled night and Todd Stottlemyre will teach Opie Litsch how to “Freak Out” after starts like his last 7 or so.
Stottlemyre was the ultimate competitor and Jays pitchers Litsch and Marcum seem to have the same competitve fire. But they are very Doc Halladay like in their reserved approach. Can you imagine Jesse Litsch carrying on with Jamie Campbell like the following…
[youtube FupXtFYXbxk]
Stotty definitely needs to feed them all jagerbombs
I could listen to T-Stott screech all day. The line, “I just lost my cool on one pitch. AND NOW I’VE LOST IT AGAIN!!!!”
So what’s the story on this, when was it, what set him off and who taped this?