Jason Frasor was the Best Jays Pitcher in 2008 at…
The flavor of the week appears to be Jason Frasor. Usually only mentioned in Jays jokes, Frasor was the best Jays pitcher in 08 at…
Inherited runners scored percentage (IR)
An IR is when a pitcher comes into a game and there are already runners on base. Does he allow them to score? This is a very important stat, yet it is almost always over-looked. Why? Because it doesn’t show up in a relievers ERA. Incoming pitchers are only responsible for the batters that they face. So lets say Downs comes into a game with a runner on second. Doc was the previous pitcher. If Downs gives up a single the run is charged to Roy’s ERA. And if Scott gets out of the inning from there he’ll have an ERA of 0.00 for the day. Deceiving, isn’t it?
Anyways, Jason Frasor inherited 32 runners in 2008. And he only allowed 4 to score. That’s an awesome percentage of 12.5%! Scott Downs, probably the best all-around Jays reliever, allowed 14 of 28 inherited runners to score, which of course is 50%. Brandon League allowed 33%, Carlson 18.4%, etc. You get the point. Frasor was the man in term of inherited runners in 2008.
So even if Frasor’s back of the bullpen life span is short don’t overlook his importance to the ballclub. He’ll still retain value throughout the season, no matter which inning he appears in.
Glad to see some Frasor love. He’s a rudey. With a bad-ass change up.
That change up is Gagne(in his prime)-esque. We have Bruce Walton to thank for that.
Frasor has upped his stock in the bullpen. Cito is slowly but surely falling in love with him.