Mop Up Duty Update
The official MLB off-season has marked an off-season of sorts for us at Mop Up Duty as well. But we’ll shortly be ramping things back up to our regular posting pattern, which is seven or more posts per week. We’ll be trying out a few new article gimmicks, along with a couple of interactive posts.
Shout Outs
Firstly, I’d like to thank our link partners for trading links with us at such an early juncture. This has been an immense help to the popularity of our website, from users & the search engines. Yardbarker has given us a great form to showcase our work, so a big thanks to them. Also, we’d like to thank regulars like DA (Baseball Central) and Jeeves (Chi-Sox Blog) for adding some life to our comments, swaping articles and brightening the place up in general. Last but not least, we’d like to thank you the reader for checking the website out. Don’t forget to bookmark or RSS…
Comments & Such
The comment ratio on this website is less than 1% of visitors, so I’ve eliminated the required e-mail field from the comment section. Hopefully this will open up the lines of communication. We defiantly encourage you to share your thoughts on our writings, whether they be positive or negative, errors in equations, or anything else
Any suggestions to the site, whether it be style, content etc would be greatly appreciated.
Mop Up Duty Team