Randy Johnson headed back to Arizona

Randy Johnson headed back to Arizona



Randy Johnson Arizona Diamondback



Terms: Randy Johnson for Luis Vizcaino, Ross Ohlendorf, Steven Jackson, and Alberto Gonzalez



Most reports state that the Yankees are only sending around $2 million to cover a portion of Randy’s salary. So in essence, the Yankees dumped close to $14 million from their payroll and gain a few prospects for their trouble. Cashman has quietly strengthend the bullpen this off-season, and it should be far more successful than last season’s two man show of Proctor & Rivera.


The Diamondbacks, on the other hand, send over a decent 32 year old reliever and three non-descript, lower-level prospects, and in-turn strengthens their extremely weak rotation for an expensive $14 million. Will returning to Arizona light a fire in Randy? I’m not sure, but with the current make-up of the Diamondbacks rotation, a 4.50 ERA over 200+ innings would be viewed as a positive for the ballclub. Of course, the possibility exists of Randy turning in a 3.50, 16+ win season. But even if Randy is a 4.50 ERA type pitcher, the Diamondbacks have automatically strengthened their season ticket base, along with increased walk-up business during Johnson home starts. Another positive that may be over-looked is the fact that this return pretty much guarantees that Randy Johnson will become the first Arizona Diamondback elected to the MLB Hall of Fame. And for an expansion era franchise, this is no small feat. With 280 career wins, and an “Escape from New York”, look for Randy to attain his 16+ win, 3.50 – 3.75 ERA 2007 season.

Winner: Even


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7 replies on “Randy Johnson headed back to Arizona”
  1. says: Early

    Yep, Johnson starts will increase Arz gate recipts. D-Backs have had finance issues since their inception. The closer he gets to 300 wins will be even more benefical.

    I liked your idea of putting him in the ‘Pen. Could you imagine Riveria and Johnson coming in releif? I think Johnson would have kibashed that pretty quit as it would have negated any chance of him getting 300 wins.

  2. says: Early

    Whoa, Whoa, I am not against Blyleven in the HOF but if the Unit or BB have to go in. The Unit goes in 100 times before Blyleven.
    Quick Comparison
    Unit BB
    CYA 5 0
    1st ERA 4 0
    1st K’s 9 1

    Johnson, playing on some bad teams had a career win% of around .650, Blyeleven .530 also playing on bad teams. Johnson was WS MVP. Blyleven was nowhere near the pitcher Johnson is. Blyleven is more like Sutton and Perry (both with 300 wins, both in HOF). Johnson is more like Feller or Gibson (both with less than 280 wins, both in HOF).

  3. says: Early

    Smoltz’s stint in the bullpen probably cost him a resonable chance at 300 wins. However, he is such a stud he should be a HOFer anyways.

  4. says: Early

    The more you have the more times you strike someone out with a runner on third and less than two out.

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