Searching for Positive Thoughts


After a three game ass kicking I’m searching for positives… and I can’t seem to find any.

Perhaps the only good thing I can think of is good guy Scott Richmond will continue to receive MLB service time while being on the DL. Doesn’t seem like much but for an older rookie that has to be a big deal.

Wait, here’s a positive! The Jays face lefty Pettite on Monday. Yes!!! That means Dellucci won’t be in the starting lineup.

Let’s see if Romero can get things done vs the Yankees tomorrow. Having a big start in Yankee stadium can’t hurt his ROY quest.

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One reply on “Searching for Positive Thoughts”
  1. says: Joe

    Instead of trade rumors involving Roy Hallady,How about trading your high priced pair of under acheivers,namely Vernon wells and Alex Rios-You could replace them with good young and inxpensive talent.?,And some-one willing to play base-ball-They both look like amatures at the plate,too much money, has fogged their vision,Thank-you-Play base-ball

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