
Stray Rod


It was just another wild night for Alex Rodriguez.

Having a romantic dinner with a big-tittied blonde in Toronto. Going up to a strip club with her and then winding up back at his fancy hotel together, just the two of them.

One problem, though. The New York Yankee is married. And now he’s in some serious doo doo after his little escapade on Sunday night.

“No comment,” A-Rod told The Post when asked about any potential infidelity.

Perhaps Mr. X should give Mrs. “Rod” a call? I’d love to hear what his wife has to say, or how much $$ she would rack up in the divorce settlement!!!

A-Rod & C-Rod

The couple during happier times

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7 replies on “Stray-Rod”
  1. says: Callum

    Wow Mr. X, this article sure won’t do much for your reputation for being “mired in misogyny”. Any word on what hotel and strip club they hit up in the T-dot?

  2. says: Kman

    Chris would not like this Mr.X

    Anyways, this girl looks kinda manly. Check out the facial structure near the chin and the cheek bones. Come on, your A-Rod! If you gonna cheat, at least get your money’s worth. This is going to cost him $100 mil, easy…

  3. says: X

    I can tell you that he checked into the Four Seasons in the city’s posh Yorkville section.

    After settling in, the 31-year-old A-Rod, the mystery blonde and two men left the Four Seasons in a taxi shortly after 8:30 p.m., and headed to dinner at Harbour Sixty Steakhouse, a ritzy restaurant located about two miles away near the city’s harbor and the Rogers Centre, where the Blue Jays play. A-Rod was in fact wearing his wedding band.

    Following dinner, A-Rod and the blonde headed to the Brass Rail on Yonge Street and a witness saw them go in at approximately 11pm.

    Rodriguez and the blonde spent an hour or so at the Brass Rail, the witness said.

    When they walked out of there, A-Rod and the woman were alone.

    They then got a cab back to the Four Seasons. Their cab pulled up to the hotel minutes after midnight.

    A-Rod then strode into the hotel behind her. He rubbed his nose as if to obscure his face to other people as he joined her at the elevator bank.

    As the doors to an elevator opened, he and the blonde got in together, the witness said.

    The doors then closed, and they disappeared upstairs.

  4. says: Callum

    From Jeff Blair in today’s Globe:

    Alex Rodriguez, who was all over the front of the New York Post because it appears he is an ardent, practising heterosexual and apparently doesn’t need to be in a groove on the field to be in one off the field. Who says the guy chokes in scoring position?

    Oh, snap! Holla holla!!!

  5. says: Liene

    What a dumb ass that A-Rod… Does he have brains? May be 6 brain cells to hit the ball and to sign a multimillion contract.

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