The Toronto Blue Jays have signed Cuban SS Adeiny Hevhevarria to a four year, $10 million contract according to various sources around the internet. That we know… and we’re not sure about the rest.
To say that the interwebs has next to nothing on Adeiny would be an understatement. I can’t even find a good photo!
Reports vary from source to source on his age, size and even his last name.
Here’s a collection of various scouts drooling over Adeiny.
“A lot of times you get guys who just left the island. Then you go see them and they can’t play,” said a scout who watched Hechevarria’s workout. “He’s legit. There’s no doubt.”
Miami Herald
Echevarria, with a height of six feet one inch and 170 pounds, is considered a better man on the offensive that Iglesias and has natural abilities similar to those of Alfonso Soriano.
“If we see that Iglesias was signed for $ 7.5 million and that Echevarria has a similar level or better, one could imagine that this guy has a great future,”said a source who witnessed the demonstration in the Dominican Republic.
According to comments from scouts and sports journalists, Echevarria has impressed with his fielding, shift all angles, range and good hitting.
Tim Brown over at Yahoo
Hechevarria is the best available Cuban player, according to scouts who have seen many of the high-end defectors. One called him, ”Alfonso Soriano(notes) with defense,” adding, ”He’d have been a running back at Nebraska if he’d grown up in the states. There’s not much he can’t do.”
The Yankees privately believe he has the tools to become the heir to Derek Jeter.
For what I gather one scout compared him to Alfonso Soriano and everyone ran with the comparison.
Here’s the video floating around the web. Adeiny comes into the game as a replacement at 3:40 and flashes the leather around 4:55
[youtube 6cyLwRrunT4]
I have said several prayers, asking for the deal to be done.
Hi Guys I was just checking this blog and i have to congratulate you, this is a great space man.
I loved the cuban baseball report that you did it was awesome.
If you have any question about cuban baseballyou may ask me, as Im cuban born and used to work in baseball there.
Thanks Oscar! We appreciate your feedback – especially from a fellow Cuban baseball fan!
hes gay