YouTube Baseball Card Shows
Hopefully this is the first of two posts today, as I’d like to comment on the upcoming Arizona Fall League season. This should be, by far, the most “nerdy” post in the history of Mop Up Duty. Anyways, I, like most, collected baseball cards in the early 1990’s. And like most, I fell out of the hobby within the span of a few years. But these guys haven’t.
Rip and Pull
A series created by one Robert Fourrlel, with snazy music to boot! In this collection of YouTube videos, Robert selects a different box of cards and opens them in front of the camera. While this might not sound overly exciting, you can’t help but feel the joy of “pulling” a cool autograph or jersey insert along with Robert. This series is also a good primer on what is going on today in the sporting card industry. Here’s a few links to some of his better episodes;
Right off the start, you’ll either love or hate the presentation of these card collectors. The series is shot at a card store named the backstop, rather poorly might I add. The saving grace of this series is the entertainment value of the cast of characters and the wide array of baseball card boxes that are opened on this show.
Their #1 video, pulling a 1/1 Ruth and Dimaggio signed Upper Deck Print
Have you seen The Sitdown, $50 Reward , Old Barney , Mystical Block. You will find the improvement in quality.
Please help find “The Shirt” time is running out!
The Doc