2006 MLB Halloween Costumes

First off, I’d like to thank all of the readers of Mop Up Duty. The site has only been around a little over two months but we’ve already amassed over 8500 hits, including over 5000 in October alone! We are committed to maintain daily updates throughout the off-season, covering the free agent market, upcoming prospects, fantasy baseball 2007, history articles. etc. But, as we’ve done so far, we’ll present unique views on the information, not a carbon copy of an ESPN report. So if you haven’t bookmarked or RSS feed us yet, make a point to do so now.

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2006 MLB Halloween Costumes

We have sources all over the globe,

and they have reported a number of 2006 MLB figures wearing Halloween costumes;

George Steinbrenner: Rich Uncle Pennybags (Mr. Monopoly)
A-rod: Casper, the Playoff Ghost
John Gibbons: Rocky
Shea Hillenbrand: Sailor
Keith Foulke: Pimp
Jason Grimsley: Jailhouse Snitch
Ken Griffey Jr.: Tin man
Michael Tejada: Big B Vitamin
Albert Pujlos: God
Roger Clemens: The Immortal Man
Kazuhito Tadano: Razor Ramon HG
Jim Leyland: Zombie
Mark McGwire: Amnesia Man

And remember kids, don’t knock on Albert Belle’s door, but if you absolutely have to, certainly don’t call him Joey.

Did our “sources” miss any interesting Halloween costumes?

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