2008 LCS Playoff Predictions

2008 LCS Playoff Predictions


Building upon our collected first round playoff predictions, here is the next set of league championship series predictions from the staff at mopupduty.com.


Rays over Sox in 6

Dodgers over Phils in 7


Red Sox over Rays

Phillies over Dodgers


Kman is back once again with his points/stream of consciousness predictions for the 2008 round of championship series.

Boston Red Sox vs Tampa Rays

I’m a firm believer that to be the man you have to beat the man. “Woo”


The pitching is probably in favor of the Rays in this series. The offenses are also fairly close, although I’d give the Red Sox the nod in terms of overall depth. Experience is certainly on Boston’s side.

I’m not a big fan of Joe Maddon as a manager. He is more of leader/father figure in my eyes. Countless times during Rays games over the past two seasons I’ve been left scratching my head at some of his decisions. I think this could come into play during the series.

In the end, while I’m going to cheer for the Rays, I do think that experience and a stronger 1 – 9 lineup will give Boston the edge.

Red Sox in 6 or 7.

Los Angels Dodgers vs Philadelphia Phillies

Philadelphia will have home field advantage during the series. This is almost a tale of two ballparks and park factors.

I’d have to give an overall pitching edge to the Dodgers. Obviously there are not too many offenses that can compete with the Phillies.

The Phils have a legitimate ace in Hamel and a strong two-three in Moyers and the recently hot Brett Myers. While their bullpen isn’t as strong or as deep as the Dodgers, Lidge has shown in the past that he can be lengthened out and still produce strong results.

While everything has been going right for the Dodgers of late I just don’t like the match-up from their perspective.

I’m going with the Phillies in 6.

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