AJ’s Obituary

AJ’s Obituary

In today’s Star, Cathal Kelly absolutely nails it as he writes an obituary of sorts.  In the article he reminisces on AJ’s time in Toronto and airs some dirty laundry that some of us may or may not know.

Here is a telling quote:

The Halladay/Burnett relationship existed, but was never as close as advertised. Burnett enjoyed his nights out on the road. A night out for Halladay is a few extra hours on the treadmill. Halladay’s best friend on the team is strength coach Donovan Santas.

During the last spring training, Halladay was asked which teammate he would live with if he had to. He chose closer B.J. Ryan. Why? “Because he’s the same every day.” In other words, he’s the anti-A.J.

I loved AJ during his time in Toronto and he tickled my fancy every time he ran his fastball up to 97MPH in the 8th inning.  When he comes back to Toronto to make a start vs Jeff Tam, I will be cheering loudly for him.  However, AJ will crumble under the New York City lights, as will his $55 million $85 million dollar arm.

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2 replies on “AJ’s Obituary”
  1. says: eyebleaf

    I’ll be booing him, but that’s nothing personal. I’ll be booing the uniform he’ll be wearing.

    I wish him well, but hope he’s the second coming of Pavano in pinstripes. Fuck the Yankees for their irresponsible ways during the GLOBAL FREAKING ECONOMIC CRISIS.

    And Cathal Kelly is a rudey. Always answers emails. He’s good people.

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