Alex Rodriguez & Cameron Diaz in Cabo

A-Rod and Cameron Diaz were spotted together on a beach in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico on the weekend.

*Editor’s Note:   The expressed opinions of Mr. X are those of Mr. X alone and do not necessarily reflect those of Mop Up Duty.  Mr. X chooses to remain anonymous for the reason that should he be identified, it will compromise his ability to provide Mop Up Duty readers with the most intimate and cutting edge news stories.  We at Mop Up Duty sincerely hope you are not offended by the contents of Mr. X’s posts.  Mr. X columns are for entertainment purposes only. We can’t control this guy. As with most Page 6 columnists, X gets his daily info from “Undisclosed Sources”.

Is A-Rod sporting a little post-steroid gynecomastia?


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[youtube 8dGNDUdtNh8] [youtube MSVjPH1TL9k]
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