Brett Myers is Tough

I know this is old news but we haven’t had an mp3 post at MUD in a little while so I think we are due.
Here is an audio clip of Brett Myers going off on a rant to a reporter who disputed that the homeruns that Myers gave up were well hit and not actually “pop ups” as Myers called them. I wonder if this is the same way he talks to his wife? ZING!

Brett Myers is Tough
Brett Myers is Tough
I know this is old news but we haven’t had an mp3 post at MUD in a little while so I think we are due.
Here is an audio clip of Brett Myers going off on a rant to a reporter who disputed that the homeruns that Myers gave up were well hit and not actually “pop ups” as Myers called them. I wonder if this is the same way he talks to his wife? ZING!
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