Chacin Sloppy Drunk

Gus Chacin


Mr. X has learned that freaky-deaky Jays lefthander Gustavo Chacin has been arrested on charges of DUI yesterday morning.

Around 4am, our man Gustavo was pulled over by Tampa police and blew twice over the legal limit (.150).  He was released on $500 bail.  This probably won’t affect the Jays and pitchers get drunked up all of the time and keep on doing what they do but it would be nice if some of Halladay’s dedication to his “craft” would rub off on the young Venezuelan.  He is fighting for a spot in the rotation after all and getting hammered drunk and driving around isn’t the best way to secure the #3 spot.


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3 replies on “Chacin Sloppy Drunk”
  1. says: Kman

    I heard that Chacin didn’t do a thing wrong. What actually happened–kinda funny if you think about it– was that Gustavo threw on some of his own designer cologne. Of course it’s super strong, and it screwed up the breathalizer, making it appear that he was twice the legal limit when he was the DD. So expect Chacin to get off the hook in a couple of days when the truth comes out…

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