Chicks Dig The Long Ball

alyssa milano

I saw this Nike commercial on SportsCenter and forgot how good it was. I love me some baseball commercials and it has been a while since we’ve had a MopUpDuty YouTube article so here are a few of my favourites:


Tom Glavine and Greg Maddux go on a mission to bulk up and get chicks like Mark McGwire.

[youtube MRs60GZ1q1o]

A profile on highly touted Jays prospect Travis Snider

[youtube EcvxqqGzLSM]

The infamous John Gibbons/Ted Lilly dust up!

 [youtube 1h8jFzndKFo&]

Cal Ripken did a Coke commercial at the time of his retirement and this is it.

 [youtube PjIwStm0R8Q]

Such a good game with that hypnotic music – a commercial for RBI baseball.

 [youtube 7ZzC3c52if4]

I don’t know about you, but growing up in the 80’s my life revolved around Panini baseball sticker albums.

[youtube 1AS8i1GcIhA]


Pete Rose sings about Aqua Velva. Not as good as Tom Henke’s, but still a classic.

[youtube -eAs7DM6u_Q]
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4 replies on “Chicks Dig The Long Ball”
  1. says: Callum

    Henke is not available unfortunately. I was really hoping to find the Roberto Alomar “catch the taste” frozen fruit punch commercial, but to no avail. The Jays also had a nice little ad campaign where Chris Woodward gets hit in the head with a ball and slips into some delirium. In the dream sequence he is canoeing with a nicely done up Roy Halladay in a dress, it was quite an effective commercial as it has been burned into my memory forever.

  2. says: Kman

    Gotta see the last one. Wonder how many tickets that commerical sold? Guess it opened the team up to a new audience, if you know what I mean…

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