Free Official MLB Press Sheets

Free Official MLB Press Sheets


Now you can have access to the same press sheets/notes that the broadcasters get before each game.

The direct link to the press pass page is:

Here is a screen cap of the Yankees home opener press pass:


The entire press pass itself is nine pages long. This varies by team. The website gives you the option to print but unfortunately not the option to save. Each press pass is just a plain old image file, so you can save each and batch print them. You can also bump up the size if the text is too small or save each image as a pdf and transfer the text over to a word processor. has started to advertise the press pass more this season, as a direct link to each can also be found in the scoreboard section of their website. One would think that vendors could make a decent amount of extra money just by selling the home and away versions of the press notes for a couple bucks outside of a stadium before a game.

If your going to a game live or just catching it on the tube, its a nice way to get up to date on favorite teams opponent for the evening. Kudos to the MLB for making the press sheets readily available to the average fan.

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