Heidi Watney Bio

Heidi Watney Bio


Above is a screencap I took of NESN field reporter Heidi Watney during a Red Sox/Yankees game at Fenway.   I thought baseball field reporting reached its peak with Erin Andrews (below), but I was wrong.


Watney, who turns 28 this month, was a National Merit Scholar and attended the University of San Diego on an academic scholarship, where she graduated with honors in 2003.

Heidi Watney became the host for The Ultimate Red Sox Show last year, replacing Hazel Mae. In October 2008, Heidi also became the host of The Red Sox Report.

She has competed in the Miss California pageant, where she was the first runner-up in 2002. (Runner up!?!?! Who were the judges – Toller Cranston?)

Heidi joins Don Orsillo and Jerry Remy on the network’s baseball coverage providing live in-game updates. Heidi also serves as the reporter for NESN pre-game and post-game show. Joining host Tom Caron and NESN’s rotating cast of studio analysts, Heidi reports on key news and stories from the ballpark and conducts interviews with players, coaches and management.

Watney comes to NESN from Fresno, California where she has served as a weekend sports anchor and reporter for KMPH Fox-26 News and a sports talk radio show host for 1430 ESPN Radio KFIG. The University of San Diego graduate began her career as a sports reporter/assistant producer for KUSI News in San Diego, California.

Being the Jays fan that I am, I need to watch a Red Sox game like a need a hole in the head.  However, Heidi Watney has changed my stance on that.  When she appears on the sidelines and begins to speak about baseball, the heavens open up, the angels sing… etc. etc. etc.  Let’s get to why you came here in the first place: the pics.


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32 replies on “Heidi Watney Bio”
  1. says: Shane

    You left out the part about her being fired from her last job, about Remy despising her, about her knowing nothing about baseball. Oh, and about her banging Jason Varitek within a month of arriving. Class act all the way.

    Don’t ever put her and legitimate sports reporter (and fan) Erin Andrews in the same category.

    1. says: bob


  2. says: Callum

    Thanks for your thoughts Shane. If there was any substantiated evidence that supported your claims, I would have been sure to have included it in her profile.

    1. says: Brian

      Then you should have included the Fact that she was fired from her last job for cursing on a high school campus in Fresno, California. I’m not saying she’s a bad reporter, I actually thought thought she was a great reporter in Fresno but if your going to say the truth, then why not tell the “whole” truth.

  3. says: Chris

    Shane’s comments are amusing but still useless for the point that who cares what ego case Remy thinks… I have listened to the NESN announcers since he has not been there. She seems to do pretty damn good reporting the games to me and the Tek rumor is false. BTW… Who the hell is Erin Andrews? Seriously… never heard of her.

  4. says: Eddy Warren

    Dennis Eckersley has been filling in for Jerry Remy. I like Eck’s work, with his inside knowledge of pitching. I hope Jerry gets well soon, but I like Eck more when it comes to covering the games.

  5. says: sajmo

    Heidi was the worst “news reader” I’ve ever seen when she started in Fresno – presumably got the job because of her cousin being golfer Nick Watney and the Miss California thing, not based on any obvious talent or experience. On-the-job training isn’t a valid concept in a top-50 media market. She butchered words and had a vacant-eyed stare at the camera. “Easy on the eyes” may be a qualification for Red Sox reporters but Erin Andrews brings that plus talent and knowledge.

    1. says: Dave in Watertown

      I don’t know if I was just prejudiced by her predecessor, Tina Cervasio, but by your discription Heidi must have done a crash course on the way to boston. Now don’t take me wrong as I am not a fan of sideline reporting in general (whether knowledgable jock or hot blonde) as I think they are rarely informative. After Tom Brady left the game tearing up his knee the sideline reporter comes on and says “Brady’s return is questionable.” is a case in point. That said I don’t think that Heidi delivery has been anything but professional. Incedently here in this top 5 market didn’t know who Nick Watney was until a year ago. Now I have heard of some rather unprofessional off air stuff but we all grow up over time. So can Fresno.

  6. says: Danny Joyce

    Heidi you are pleasing to look at and adore. It’s me to be sure. I live in wISCONSIN and come from Maine with schools around Boston plus many others. I was off to Boston’s medical school (New England) and worked at many hospitals nearby – NESM and many others ST E’s and Newton’s among others. Now more recently hurt my head bad bleeding internally times two in a motorcycle accident, have seizures etc. Was out to Fenway recently for a rare loss 7/26/09. Life has so changed. No license yet No Harley or Sturgis trip. Life does suck immensley. I encourage you Heidi more than you know. Have fun in all you do. I intend to get back to normal quite soon. You are an intelligent treat on NESN and in stories. Bye for now.

  7. says: Katie

    Erin Andrews is a hottie for sure, but shes not a Walter Cronkite, Heidi Watney is far prettier and much classier than Andrews. Lets face it, none of these women are here because they are fabulous reporters, they’ve got their jobs for one reason,,they’re smoking hot and they can ready questions. IF you don’t thin that’s true,,put some fat guy in there with knowledge of the game and see how interested any of you guys are

  8. says: David

    All of the Heidi rumors all false, check your timelines people, Tek split from his wife before Heidi arrived ….. She grew up with a very conservative Christian background. She knows her sports not because of her cousin, her Dad is a former PGA touring pro. Heidi is not there strictly because of her looks, Yes she is gorgeous, but she’s got the brains. She’s a national merit award winner, attended University of San Diego on a scholarship, AND graduated with honors. After having had the pleasure of meeting Miss Watney in person I can tell you she is first class all the way. She is as sweet and friendly as she is pretty.
    GO HEIDI !!!!

  9. says: mikey

    Why the either/or crap?? Both are very good at their jobs, but turns out she did have an affair with Varitek, so stop with the feigned shock that a woman couldn’t possibly get involved with a married man. (Although in Heidi’s defense, Varitek’s marriage was said to be on the rocks.)

  10. says: Kevin

    Heidi definitely banged ‘Tek, it is a well-known fact. Not to mention Nick Green. She is hot, does a good job, and likes to let the Sox dip their pens in her company ink cave. Why is that a bad thing? God bless her.

    1. says: rip

      true it is well known she nailed tek. How these people say its not a fact is beyond me.. maybe because i work at fenway i know its true.

  11. says: Macho Marvin

    Heid1 > Hazel May and Tina Cervasio. Figured this was a stepping stone gig for her. Now picture her wearing nothing but those boots and then tell me you disagree.

  12. says: Jasper

    While Erin does fairly decent reporting I suppose, I can’t take her as seriously as Heidi because she kinda has that valley girl, OMG becky speech thing going on. Very slight edge to Heidi. Go Sox!

    1. says: Bobby

      She slept with the quarterback of the Fresno state football team while she was covering them in Fresno. True story

  13. says: jc

    Are you saying this young woman swore once in high school, and then slept with a MAN? Woah, I did not see that coming.

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