Jesse Litsch Home Run Report

Jesse Litsch Home Run Report


During Jesse’s recent five game clinic he’s posted a 3-1 record with a 1.26 ERA. Typically when pitchers with Litsch’s stuff have success it is due to limiting walks and keeping the ball in the park. Since Jesse limits walks year round I wanted to look into his starts with home runs allowed vs those without.

Using the great Baseball Reference website I went through and combined the starts were Jesse has and has not allowed a longball from the entire 2008 season (up until Sept 9th.)

Jesse Litsch Games with home runs allowed


Jesse Litsch 2008 Starts with no home runs allowed


Oddly enough his strikeouts and walks differ little in per 9 ratios during these two sets of data. In games where he’s allowed HR’s he is far more hittable (12.06 hits per 9) than his non-hr starts (7.2 hits per 9).

During Jesse’s previously mentioned five game roll he allowed a HR in only one game, his only loss. If he keeps the ball in the park, odds are that Litsch will win you the game.

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