Joe Girardi Should Be Suspended

Joe Girardi Should Be Suspended


After a bench clearing shoving match in today’s spring training game, instigated by the Yankees might I add, Girardi should get suspended.


In the first inning, Yankees starter Heath Phillips was ejected for throwing an up-and-in fastball to Rays third baseman Evan Longoria, grazing the batter and earning an immediate thumb from home-plate umpire Chad Fairchild…. In the home half of the first, the Yankees’ Shelley Duncan escalated the incident by sliding hard into second base, clearing both benches. Play halted for several minutes as the two clubs engaged in shoving, and at least one punch appeared to be thrown.

Evan Longoria Hit by Pitch Vs Yankees


Its been well publicized as to why bad blood exists. Elliot Johnson plowed Yankees catcher Francisco Cervelli on saturday during a home plate collision. Cervelli suffered a fractured right wrist that will require surgery that should sideline him for 10+ weeks. I’m not going to delve into this too much, as much has already been said but the questions I raise is A) why is Cervelli blocking the plate and B) what should Johnson do? Slow up and give Cervelli a hug?

For this incident (throwing up near the head) Joe Giardi should receive a suspension. And I’m not talking about a few spring training games. He should be suspended for a few games at the start of the regular season. Call it what you will but a pre-meditated ploy vs an in the moment, split second decision by a player low on the pecking order of a 40 man roster are different circumstances.

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3 replies on “Joe Girardi Should Be Suspended”
  1. says: Early

    I agree, the premeditation was obvious. And the Yanks didn’t let up as Shelly Duncan went spikes-groin-high into second base. Players should play hard but pre-meditated head hunting for something that happend before is cowardice. Heath Phillips should have duked it out with Johnson on the spot.

    Joe Giradi has shown he is classless. Shame.

  2. says: Chubby Joe

    What do you expect from the Yankees? Torre whined about Clemens being a head hunter when Clemens was a Blue Jay. Then he became a Yankee and he was just a tough competitor who owns the inside half of the plate.

    Basically the rule is that Yankee players can do whatever they want because they are all so classy, while anyone who plays hard against them are dirty players.

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