Jose Bautista: Respect & IBB

Are teams finally starting to respect Jose Bautista?

Why pitch to him? That’s what I’ve been thinking pretty much all of May. Bautista has been crushing everyone, yet teams seemed hesitant to give him a free pass. Things may finally be changing.

I sent out a tweet on this subject on May 17th


In the past week Jose has been given an additional three IBB (including one last night with a runner on 2nd & none out), bringing his season total to five.

2011 MLB Leaders IBB (May 24th)

Player IBB
Miguel Cabrera 10
Lance Berkman 6
Jose Reyes 6
Chipper Jones 6
Troy Tulowitzki 6
Jose Bautista 5
Joey Votto 5
Billy Butler 5
Gerardo Parra 5
Prince Fielder 5
Brian McCann 5


Thinking back to last season, I couldn’t recall too many free passes coming Bautista’s way. The numbers backed this up

2010 MLB Hitters, 35+ HR & IBB Stats

Jose Bautista 54 2
Albert Pujols 42 38
Paul Konerko 39 7
Miguel Cabrera 38 32
Adam Dunn 38 10
Joey Votto 37 8


Only 2 IBB all season! Contrast this with 2011 HR leaders

2011 MLB Hitters, 11+ HR & IBB Stats

Jose Bautista 19 5
Curtis Granderson 16 0
Ryan Braun 12 2
Jay Bruce 12 2
Mark Teixeira 12 1
Lance Berkman 11 6
Matt Kemp 11 4
Prince Fielder 11 5
Alfonso Soriano 11 1
Troy Tulowitzki 11 6


With Lind out for about another week, will the IBB continue to rack up? Will/would the presence of Adam Lind push the number of free passes down to a reasonable level or is Jose just too dangerous to pitch to these days?

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