Jose Tabata is Overrated

Jose Tabata is Overrated


Jose Tabata is listed as the New York Yankees number two prospect for 2008. He was also ranked number two in 2007 and number three in 2006.

To me Jose Tabata doesn’t project to be much more than Melky Cabrera line in 2007, with perhaps a little higher average.

Baseball America lists him as 5’11 & 160. I say no way. Here’s a photo I took while in Flordia last season for a Tampa Yankees game. This is Jose, sorry for the poor quality.


I don’t think the photo does justice to just how big his lower half is. At only 19 when this was taken, I could see him getting bigger in the next few years, taking away some of his mobility. I felt his outfield mobility wasn’t the greatest to begin with but granted, I only watched one game.

One thing that I can’t knock is Jose holding his own in high A as a 19 year old. Also the Florida State league ballparks aren’t exactly launching pads. Still, when taking into account his entire career, in over 1000 minor league plate appearances Tabata has only hit 13 HR.


It comes down to this. I think Jose is going to pack on the pounds, which should limit his mobility. Add to that his lack of HR power and the fact that he doesn’t walk and you’ll have a good BA, average OBP player with average to low SLG. These stats aren’t enough to bestow a top prospect rank on Tabata.

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