Kazmir’s Pitch Count Lets Down the Rays

Scott Kazmir’s Pitch Count Hurts the Rays


Its hard to argue with six scorless innings with seven K from game five of the ALCS. But within that line is the problem itself, only six innings pitched.

In Kaz’s last twenty starts of the 2008 regular season he pitched 107 IP. This averages out to about 5.1 IP per outing. During this twenty game stretch he threw 2038 pitches, for about an average of 102 per outing.

This has always been the problem with Kazmir. In this stretch he allowed 57 BB and struck out 122. That’s a combination of 179 walks or strikeouts in 107 IP, meaning a number of deep counts.

While the average pitch count over this span was 102, he only crossed the 110+ pitch threshold twice.

Obviously the bullpen is in for a busy night when Scott Kazmir pitches. He’s still been very effective throughout his career, with an adjusted ERA+ number of 125.

Still in game five last night we witnessed the sometimes ill-effects of Scott Kazmir’s high pitch count and low innings pitched.

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