Roy Halladay Hurt All Along?

Roy Halladay Hurt All Along?


Roy Halladay


“Roy just isn’t himself this season.” That’s what I said to myself after watching his first outing vs the Tigers on the tube and his second outing against the Rays in person this season. His stuff just seemed more, hittable may be the word. He’s always around the zone, that’s for sure, but his past weak contact was now turning into hard hit balls.

Needless to say, the Doc should be sued for malpractice after his past two performances.Is this really his “bad”?

In light of the BJ Ryan epic, 600 page yarnthat JP Riccardi spun earlier this season, let’s look back to spring training of this season. The following quotes are from the KFFL

Feb 8th: The Globe and Mail reports the Toronto Blue Jays are denying SP Roy Halladay is injured, a rumor that popped up when an online chat writer suggested Halladay was suffering forearm tightness. “Doc’s been working out normally and we have no plans to do anything different with him this spring,” Blue Jays general manager J.P. Ricciardi said. “So, it’s not like we’re sitting on pins and needles with him going into spring training.”

Now its been reported that Roy has basically ditched the cut fastball due to arm soreness, that’s a given.

Does anybody else think this sounds familar? Is JP selling us another lemon? It sure as hell would explain why the Halladay of the present is getting hit hard.

With the season all but lost, should the Jays save Halladay and put him on the 60 day DL or continue to run him out there, knowing that he sells tickets? Of course, JP could contend that there’s nothing wrong with Doc. I’d believe him…

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4 replies on “Roy Halladay Hurt All Along?”
  1. says: Callum

    and ANOTHER thing. Zambrano hitting the DL should come as no surprise. The guy is 10 months removed from Tommy John and JP tosses him into the bullpen where he warms up and cools down and warms up and cools down and works every other day sometimes…. a guy who has been a starter his whole life. Then all of a sudden try to make him a starter again? Probably not the best idea.

  2. says: Sean

    I’m thinking something’s definitely off for Doc – I didn’t note that his stuff has been more hittable as he was striking out many through April and early May, but it sounds right given the last four outings (the game against the unable-to-hit-at-all-lately WhiteSox really can’t count).
    The way I figure it, is JP pulled another fast one saying Roy had an appendectimy, but it was just a cover-up to help Roy rest up and try and find his groove again. I mean, c’mon – as much as I’d love to think Doc’s a trouper, who comes back to pitch from surgery 2 weeks ahead of schedule without any AA or AAA start? only one 65 pitch simulation? jeez. sounds bogus to me. and now that the devil rays lit him up just lends more credence to my worries.

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