Yunel Escobar Reps The Havana Industriales


When preparing for the offseason in his hometown of Miami, Florida, Toronto Blue Jays’ shortstop Yunel Escobar likes to dress in the blue of his former club, the Havana Industriales.

Escobar played for the Cuban National Series‘ most storied franchise before he defected from Cuba.  The Blue Lion pride still coarses through his veins.

As much as it pains me to say this (not at all), it looks like Yunel’s Industriales gear is looking a bit torn and frayed.  He would be able to train much more comfortably in the Los Azulejos Collection, yes?  Haute couture for Haute-weather baseball.

He seems like he might be into it:

Photos courtesy of Havana Journal, Cuba Journal, Radio Rebelde, and Yunel Escobar’s Facebook page.


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