Another Mysterious Medal
A while back we posted a mysterious baseball medal from 1921 and asked our readers to help us identify it. We were lucky enough to have one shed some light on the subject, believing it to be a minor league award of some sort. Pictured above is a different yet similar medal. There is no date posted on the medal and there are 3 separate logos: a “TC or CT” (depending on how you choose to read it, a “B”, and “TWE or WTE” (again, depending on how you choose to read it). On the top of the medal is the caption “Boys Union” and an engraving of a hitter with baseball bat in hands and high socks. Perhaps the 3 logos are 3 separate leagues?
Below is the reverse side of the medal:
At the bottom of the medal, though it is hard to discern, it appears to be an engraving that says “Sterling” and underneath it it says JJ Zock Co. The full size image can be viewed here.
If you have any idea as to the origin of or any details associated with this medal, please let us know in the comment section below!
Just to update, JJ Zock & Co is a silver and jewelry company based out of Toronto in the early 1920’s.