Best Toronto Blue Jays Hair : Video Edition
In an attempt to milk as much as humanly possible out of our popular The Best Hair in Blue Jays History post we’ve gone ahead and created a YouTube slideshow video of the post.
Attention: Not safe for workplaces/homes that don’t love ’em some Journey.
Best Hair in Toronto Blue Jays History
[youtube 3mQWbgi4xbc]Quick Sidebar: The mopupduty YouTube account has over 15 original baseball videos and 50000+ views. To check out our YouTube page you can click this link: or you can click the screen shot of our channel page. Subscribe!

Just for the hell of it here a couple of our other Toronto Blue Jay related videos, the timeless OK Blue Jays theme and a slideshow of Tom Henke, with music appropriately set to the Terminator movie theme.
OK Blue Jays Song set to the 2008 Roster
[youtube qjdqEo2NiWM]Tom ‘Terminator’ Henke
[youtube -280hmkplZ8]
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