Doc Stats and Trade Thoughts


Doc Stats

The Jays team record is 10 – 7 when Roy takes the mound

According to Baseball Prospectus Roy will be worth 3.9 wins above replacement level for the rest of the season (within top 10 in MLB)

Halladay in 4th in AL IP, even after a DL stint

6.24 K/BB ratio

Opponents are hitting .161 lifetime vs Halladay’s curve

Historically only 4% of Roy’s pitches have been in the middle of the plate

From 2006 – 2008 lefties and righties have only a .10 differential in OPS vs Halladay, making it difficult for opposing managers to match line-ups.

Trade Thoughts

The more I think about this deal the less I believe that it will get done. Last season the Cleveland Indians traded CC Sabathia right around this time (July 7th) and brought in two high level prospects, a mid-range prospect and a quad A (former Jay Zack Jackson) type player. Trading CC netted the Indians this with only the remainder of the 2008 season in play.

If the Jays are able to get this type of deal in 2010 (and why shouldn’t they?) what would the current price tag be at a season plus be?

It’s going to take a lot for this deal to get done. We’re talking at least three top level prospects and a couple others mixed in. J.P. has a long track record of holding onto free agents just to collect the compensation draft choices. I just don’t see this getting done.

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