
Words can’t express the majesty of the no-hitter thrown by Roy Halladay last night in his first career playoff appearance.  But pictures can.  Welcome to Doctober.  Enjoy.

Halladay himself had more hits than the entire Cincinnati Reds team.


Photo credit: Yahoo Sports

Halladay is the 2nd pitcher to ever throw a no-hitter in the playoffs.  Don Larsen threw the first (a perfect game) in 1956.

I had the pleasure of liveblogging both Halladay no-hitters for The Score this season.  My play-by-play of the game can be found here.

Halladay! Celebrate!

[youtube r3M04ca0RdY]
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5 replies on “Doctoberfest”
  1. says: Alain

    Guys love your work. Did a little move from Halifax to Ottawa over the last part of the summer so wasn’t as into the scene. After checking all the blue ajys blogs looking for some Halladay love to no avail I know why you guys are the best. Long live Doc, and may he return soon after collecting his ring.

  2. says: Alain

    A more than accurate depection Matthias. Just painful, its the first time in a very long time that I can watch the post season and be happy to follow a team.

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