Jason Frasor 2009 Stud

We all know how awesome Jason Frasor has been this season. But I didn’t realize that he’s been this good.
While I was nerding it up inside Jays split stats I came across Jason’s month-to-month stats.
April: 0 ER
May: 5 ER
June: 1 ER
Two whole months with only one earned run allowed! Domination. May wasn’t too shabby either, as four of the five runs allowed were in one appearance. Throw out Frasor’s one bad outing this season (May 24th vs Atlanta) and he’s allowed only two earned runs in twenty-six IP! That’s a 0.69 ERA.
Later in the week I’ll be back with one of my favorite homebrew reliever statistics, TRRA.
All hail THE SAUSAGE KING!!!!1