Marathon for Jays Care

On October 14th, 2012, I will be running the 2012 Toronto Waterfront Marathon in support of the Jays Care foundation.

Donation Link: Donate to Jays Care Foundation

All donations of $20+ are tax deductible donation.


Update:  In the end we raised $125 for JaysCare. I completed the Marathon in 3:15:21, and will be feeling the effects for at least the next week! Thanks to everyone that donated, social shared, etc.

Donation Link: Donate to Jays Care Foundation

Marathon Run

26.2 miles (42 KM) Course Map:

I’m still a rookie when it comes to organized running.

After years of athletic inactivity (my last organized athletic endeavour was intramural softball about ten years ago in University), I began a running plan in August of 2011.

I’m not sure why I began. I always enjoyed jogging a kilometre here or there, but nothing more. Similar to a September call-up, I ran a few events during the latter portion of 2011.

Finish of my 1st Race: Sept 18th, 2011

Maintaining my ‘rookie eligibility’, I consider 2012 to be my first full year running.

Leading into the Marathon, I’ve been buckling down and doing all of the things Marathoners do: drinking five litres of water a day, watching my diet, waking up early on weekends, logging 40 miles a week in training runs, and other goofy tasks.

All of this to welcome the excruciating pain of the Marathon distance itself (a Marathon = 384 consecutive times around the bases.)

I do this on my own volition. I choose to do this.

Others don’t get a choice when it comes to sport. And this is where Jays Care comes in.

Jays Care

Brief summation of Jays Care, from a previous fundraising post on our website by Callum Hughson:

Since 1992, Jays Care Foundation has been empowering children and youth in need, inspiring them to make positive choices and helping them realize their dreams by providing access to programs that support physical activity, education, and life-skill development.


Jays Care Foundation supports a number of other charities focused on serving children and youth. Funds raised by Jays Care Foundation are committed to initiatives and programs that improve the lives of kids in the Greater Toronto Area and beyond, including: encouraging kids to get physically active through youth baseball initiatives; providing grants to local charities serving children in need; funding capital projects that create safe youth spaces where kids can play, learn, and grow; and partnering to provide important educational opportunities for at-risk youth.

In 2011, Jays Care programs and outreach efforts helped 17,000+ kids!

Link: Jays Care Official Website

Jays Care still needs your help. Please help by donating to the foundation via our fundraiser page. All donations of $20 or more are tax deductible!

Donation Link: Donate to Jays Care Foundation

Please help spread the word about this fundraiser and the Jays Care Foundation by sharing this page via social media and/or email (found below).

If you have any questions about the run, meet-up before the run, have any ideas, etc. please leave a comment and we can figure something out. But most importantly, please use the following link and make a tax deductible donation in support of Jays Care:

Donation Link: Donate to Jays Care Foundation

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