MP3 Interview on Global Baseball Expansion

MP3 Interview on Global Baseball Expansion


What a scoop! Well, not really, but in my daily “nerdying it up” routine, a baseball related topic came across my desk.


Ok, not my desk, but at least my hard drive. I’m all signed up to the business podcast ‘Bloomberg on the Economy’. Late friday, they conducted an interview with Alan Klein, professor at Northeastern and author of the new baseball book Growing the Game.

The interview itself is roughly 9 minutes and covers a variety of topics. The standout points are Klein’s thoughts on integrating a pacific division into the MLB consisting of Taiwan, Japan, Korea, and others. Not gonna happen but a differing opinion. He also discusses baseball’s owners and hierarchy’s interest in growing the game in China. He talks about South Africa’s #1 team, the Kansas City Royals. Yep, they are the Yankees of South Africa due to some inroads laid in the 1980’s. This and a little more make this a podcast worth checking out. After you’ve given it a listen, post some thoughts, I wouldn’t mind discussing some of the global expansion ideas.

Alan Klein (Growing the Game) interview on Bloomberg on the Economy
Bloomberg Baseball Global Expansion

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