Speediest GIDP Leaders of 2008
Grouding into a double play is inferiating when watching your favorite team. From a sabermetrical standpoint it’s the worst thing you can do (while values vary from system to system one thing is certain, a GIDP is statistically far worse than a K, CS, FO, etc). Even from a non-statistical standpoint it can change games, momentum, etc.
Now GIDP are going to happen, that’s just a fact of life. But I absolutley can’t stand watching a player with speed hit into too many of them. Two of the best “speed demons” playing today, Ichiro and Jose Reyes, do a good job at staying out of the double play.
Jose Reyes


Speed is difficult to judge from a statistical standpoint. For this test I’ve used stolen bases. Of course stolen bases require more than just speed. Judgement is needed and certainly the system and manager have a great influence on SB totals. Pick this apart if you wish, as many wholes are present. Still, from a simplistic interest standpoint the players on this list should still be noted. The list below consists of players from the 2008 season that had 20 or more steals, yet found a way to hit into 15 or more double plays.
2008 GIDP => 15, SB =>20

These five will certainly look to improve upon their 2008 GIDP performances.
Haha, Pedroia isn’t exactly a speedster. The only reason he has so many SB is because he does it intelligently and picks his spots. The GIDP just happen.
Another reason the Cubs can afford to upgrade at short. Theriot has decent speed but he is a poor base-stealer too.