2009 Jays Spring Training = Waste of Time

2009 Jays Spring Training = Waste of Time


Was spring training a big waste of time for Jays fans?


The line-up was essentially set from day one. Travis Snider had to “earn” his way onto the club but did the Jays honestly bring in any viable outside competition? That pretty much sums up the starting positional battles.


Poor Cecil. You look like a major league pitcher. Off to Vegas for a month. Same with you Mills. Romero, we don’t really like you but what the hell? Richmond, sure why not. The bullpen? Maybe Burres can find himself a spot someday.

Old Men

J.P. went out in the off-season and acquired three pieces of talent. To be exact old talent. Barrett, Millar and Clement. It looks like Clement pitched himself out of a starting role by issuing too many walks. Barrett is a shadow of his former-self, yet finds himself in contention for a roster spot. I’ve shared by feeling on the reverse platoon production of Kevin Millar. IMO all three were handed roster spots at the start of spring. A disastrous showing by Clement has slightly changed plans.

In the End

So what did we exactly see this spring? Cecil proved that he’s probably MLB ready, Mills shot up the depth charts and Brad Emaus let his presence be known to the Jays nation. Jason Lane stepped up, although I’m not sure it will matter. And that’s it. Nothing really happened. J.P. once again spun the media into thinking that this spring had any consequence on the 2009 opening day rosters. Most likely 23 or so roster spots were predetermined back in January.

Not to be completely Negative

On the plus side 2010 is looking pretty good. Hopefully we’ll see Cecil, Mills, Arencibia, Snider and maybe even Cooper get some playing time this season which will eliminate 2010 arbitration clock issues. Add in a full starting staff, the maturation of Hill, Lind and Rios and hopefully an added bat here or there and the Jays should have a shot at the playoffs.

– – –

On a sadder note John Brattain passed away on Monday. Condolences to his family. He will be missed.

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One reply on “2009 Jays Spring Training = Waste of Time”
  1. says: eyebleaf

    Spring Training is usually always a waste of time.

    It’s great that baseball is back, but the anticipation to watch meaningful games that actually count is killing me!

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