Adam Lind : Toronto Blue Jay 2007 Starter?

Adam Lind : Can he make the big league squad?

Adam Lind Toronto Blue Jays

With a few of my fellow co-writers and many a website visitor having an interest in the Jays, I have a select few questions to ask about one Adam Lind. Personally, I’m a little on the fence about Mr. Lind, but the facts are fairly irrefutable.

Fact 1: He absolutely tore up AA & AAA last season.
What can the Jays really hope to accomplish by sending Adam back to the minors. Lind tore both AA & AAA up in 2006, so what is there really left to accomplish or prove. Sure, he can work on his defense, but is the defensive output from a left-fielder really worth it? Lind will be 24 by the middle of the season (July 17th), so he’s no 21 year old phenom. Is he the type of player that needs to be held in the minors until he’s 25?

Fact 2: He also produced in his short MLB stint.
When a player produces big numbers in a short time, it’s perfectly acceptable and usually prudent to not become too excited. We’ve all seen the Kevin Mass’ of past seasons. Yet if a player produces, it shouldn’t be completely discounted. Sure, it was a short stint for Adam (60 ab), but he did collect 22 hits over this short stint and it came on top of a spectacular minor league season.

My question boils down to this. Let’s say Lind produces fairly gaudy spring training numbers, maybe along the lines of Gabe Gross’ 2005 (.385/.468/.904 1.372 OPS). (Let’s not get too hung up on the Gross comparison, Lind has shown far more potential than Gabe (a decent MLB 4th OF), and produced a +1.000 OPSin AAA in 06. I’m just using the comparison solely on a statistical basis.) To make things more interesting, let’s say someone like Reed Johnson struggles. What would you do if you had any decision making authority? Stick him in the lineup everyday? Platoon him? Ship him back down to the minors until a spot opens? Or would you do something else?

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One reply on “Adam Lind : Toronto Blue Jay 2007 Starter?”
  1. says: Early

    I figure Lind is the 4th outfielder when the Jays take the field for real in Detroit next month. I can’t see anyone else being there. I agree with you on your points, left handed left fielder putting up solid offensive numbers, and a good lefty coming off the bench for Johnson or Thomas. I also believe he will be able to fill in if and when an outfield or The Hurt go down.

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