Chesty Morganna for President

Chesty Morganna For President


The Upper Deck trading card company caused the biggest stir from the industry in decades when they produced a Hillary Clinton insert card that featured the Senator, former First Lady and Democratic Presidental hopeful in a very precaious pose. A very busty Mrs Clinton is pictured with short-shorts laying one on ballplayer in high socks and pullover jersey.

The caricature series called Presidential Predictors is a insert subset found in random UD packs. The presidential hopefuls are mirrored with baseball player’s bios. John McCain, who spent time in a North Vietnamese POW camp has his political career compared to Ted Williams’ baseball career which was twice interrupted by his service as a fighter pilot in WW2 and Korea. The geniuses at Upper Deck mirrored Mrs. Clinton career to the Kissing Bandit – Chesty Morganna – who would run on the field and enmbrace baseball players with her 60-24-39 figure to much fanfare in the 1970s and 1980s. I heard a rumour that the Upper Deck board of governors pushed through the Morganna card despite several recounts and questioned ballots over the original baseball equivalent of a Mrs Clinton card — Marge Schott – Yikes.

It is amazing this card even made it to the press. It is in immensly bad taste. The caricature doesn’t even really resemble Mrs. Clinton. She looks terribly unattractive. The card was pulled from further prints soon after release. Like the Upper Deck company some contributors to are low class as seen in the gratuitous reprint of the questionable card.

The publicity could be good for the industry. The short print Clinton cards are fetching between $500-$1000 on eBay. A combination of bad taste, short print runs and a competitive race for the Democratic nomination should see baseball fans start “Ripping and Pulling” this summer.

Just to note, in the photos below The Ryan Express did not give Chesty the same reception when she charged the mound as when Robin Ventura did in the early 1990s.

Morganna and the Ryan Express


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5 replies on “Chesty Morganna for President”
  1. says: Kman

    I remember seeing video of Chesty doing her gimmick.

    $500 – $1000 for a UD insert. Crazy! If she craps out those are going right down.

    How did Chesty get started? Did she just run on the field at the start & pull her stunt or was she given the OK from day one?

  2. says: Early

    Chesty is often imitated. However, the OG was born in Kentucky in 1954 and was a very popular stripper known as The WIld One. In the early 1970s she had a new procedure done known as breast augmentation which made her the freak she is now. Wikipedia states she started her gimmick, ironically, on a bet from her friends at Riverfront Stadium on Pete Rose in 1971, she would have been underage at the time. Her victims listed were Rose, George Brett, Cal Ripken, Jr., Johnny Bench, Steve Garvey, Don Mattingly, Dickie Thon, Nolan Ryan, Steve Yeager, Len Barker, Duane Ward.

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