I was browsing through the baseball books over at Chapters the other day and I came across John Updike’s Hub Fans Bid Adieu. The story recounts Ted Williams final game.
Via the Dust Jacket:
In the stands that afternoon was 28-year-old John Updike, inspired by the moment to make his lone venture into the field of sports reporting. More than just a matchless account of that fabled final game, Hub Fans Bid Kid Adieu is a brilliant evocation of Williams’ competitive spirit, an intensity of dedication that still “crowds the throat with joy.”
The book lives up to the hype (whether you love or hate the Red Sox) but at the same point it’s a little pricey off the shelf at $15 US & $18.50 Can. Luckily the New Yorker offers the article for free on it’s website. Reading time clocks in at around 20 minutes.
Links (text + cover):
John Updike’s Hub Fans Bid Adieu