One of the perks of being a member of The Score Sports Federation is the chance to cover out of market games via The Score Live Blogs. Below is a small collection of opinions that I’ve formed throughout the season.
The New York Yankees turn-around should be credited to the bullpen.
Watching the Yankees early in the season was painful. The bullpen would give up four or five runs a game and the next thing you know the Yanks are playing another four hour game. Enter Aceves, Robertson and Hughes and now the Yanks bullpen is four deep (with Mo) and pretty awesome.
Joe Torre is killing the Dodgers bullpen
Over management of the bullpen to some of the worst extents I’ve ever seen. I’ve seen Torre pull pitchers for match-up purposes trailing six runs in the bottom of the 8th. This is starting to catch up with the Dodgers and should be a problem come October
The Detroit Tigers have a great playoff style roster
Now this team isn’t even a lock to make it to the post-season but if they do I expect them to make some noise. Good D, solid front-line pitching, enough fundamental baseball, a big time slugger in Cabrera and five bullpen regulars with ERA’s under four make the Tigers a tough match-up in October.
Still digging Tony LaRussa
Reading phone book thick stat books in the dugout during the game. Contrast this to Cito staring off into the sunset.
Best MLB Reliever? Jonathan Broxton
Broxton is a beast. His fastball is regularly over 100 MPH (with great location) and he has a plus slider. His stats this season aren’t the prettiest. Still, I like his stuff and (in 53.2 IP) 80 K vs 22 BB, opponents .164 batting average and only 4 HR allowed.
Chris Getz is fun to watch
His OPS is sub .700 and his D is considered below average sabermetrically (although improving a the season goes on), yet I really enjoy watching Chris Getz. He’s all hustle all over the diamond and he makes savvy base running decisions.
Best Announcers? Vin Scully and Rich Waltz
Vin Scully is a baseball institution. Every game he’ll spin out a number of old-time tales from Brooklyn and LA. He also keeps on top of the game and provides analysis without judging. Stud.
Rich Waltz covers the Marlins for FSN Miami and is the closet thing to a stat nerd announcer that I’ve had the pleasure to listen to.
If you’re burning the midnight oil or live on the West Coast stop on by The Score Liveblogs tonight (Aug 18th) at 10pm for the Cards vs Dodgers.
I’m with you; Vin Scully is a treat.
Rich and Tommy are definitely great and Scully is a God talking amongst men. My favorite announcers to listen to, though, are Krukow and Kuiper. Their brand of insanity is a weird blend of hilarious, amusingly awkward, well-measured and yet overflowing. Of course, keep in mind that my ‘favorite’ of anyone who calls Jays games is Fletcher. If he did the gig full-time for the next 3-5 years, he might be pretty decent. I can’t say that about any of the others.