Rance Mulliniks Speaks the Truth

The #1 reason to like to Rance Mulliniks? He doesn’t put up with Jamie Campbell’s shit. The usually response to Campbell’s stupid questions are either silence or “excuse me Jamie, but right now this player needs to…”
Rance loves to go over pitch selection. His MLB career was decent (career 107 OPS+) and he had a really great 1988 season (OPS+ of 144), still was never considered to be top tier. I went back and checked out some of his minor league totals and came across an absolutely spectacular season in AAA back in 1979.
That season Rance hit .343 and walked 98 times vs only 45 strikeouts. At any level a 2/1 BB/K ratio for a hitter is something to celebrate. I think next time I’ll listen a little more closely to Rance’s pitch calling. It’s pretty obvious, even from that one season, that he knows what he’s talking about.
Rance Mulliniks Bringing Sexy Back
A few Mulliniks photos lifted from Google Images –

Except that Rance’s pitch calling is inevitably wrong. Personally, I find it incredibly annoying.
At times Rance is wrong but what you don’t understand is that Rance’s pitch calls is what SHOULD happen. When with a 0-2 count Brett Cecil throws a hanging curveball belt high to Texiera that is hit so hard that Snider doesn’t have a chance to misplay it; you cannot fault Rance for calling for a something off the plate.
The worst is still Rod Black. Last week he referred to a foul ball hit into the first base seats around the dugout as being hit “amongst the bleacher creatures”. He is so out to lunch he should be sent off to Africa to save a starving child before he is let back in the press box.