Top 10 Fantasy Baseball Draft Rituals

Top 10 Fantasy Draft Rituals


From passing around false information to yelling at your screen, here are the Top 10 Fantasy Baseball Draft Rituals.

1. Putting on baseball related clothing or merchandise. Yeah, I’m sitting alone in front of my computer but I have to be sporting a team jersey. Why? I don’t know. Add in a bobblehead, autographed ball or two and I’m all set.

2. Having about 15 browswer tabs open, which of course really slows down navigation.

3. Telling myself that this is the year that I’ll focus on 3 or 4 teams. I will then proceed to draft in 10+ leagues.

4. Spending more time preparing for upcoming drafts than studying for college/university mid-terms and finals. Thus leaving me with goofy knowledge such as Towles having a .425 OBP in AA Corpus Christi.

5. Cheatsheets for each position, overall ranking, sleepers, etc. Not to mention Excel spreadsheets, on screen and in print, customized to league rules.

6. Being the fool that goes “I’m going to take flack for this, here comes…. Andrew McCuthchen.” Typical “Aren’t I smart?” sleeper picks.

7. Either being or in a league with a perpetrator of false information just before or during a draft “Did you hear that Reyes hurt his ACL the other day?”

8. In the background is either pump up music or some thought provoking classic music.

9. Hitting up the waiver wire and switching over two or three picks in the ten minutes proceeding the draft.

10. Talking to the screen during a draft, like it will a make a difference. Example: “Come on, let Kazmir slip. You don’t need a pitcher! Come on…. F@CK!!!”


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One reply on “Top 10 Fantasy Baseball Draft Rituals”
  1. says: Grey

    Before every draft — “Gonna fly now…” pumping in my earphones as I run up the stairs of my local convenience store and get some Fritos.

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