Warren Sawkiw Out, Alan Ashby In

Warren Sawkiw Out, Alan Ashby In


The Star reports that former Jays farmhand and current Fan 590 analyst Warren Sawkiw will be relieved of his duties.  To take his place will be former “original” Jay Alan Ashby who most recently has worked with the Houston Astros as a radio analyst.




“We’ve been wanting to go to more of a traditional major league radio broadcast with a play-by-play man and generally speaking, an ex-player with major league experience as the analyst,” said FAN general manager Nelson Millman.
“Warren’s a first-rate guy and did a great job, but this was an opportunity to bring in a guy with major league experience and broadcasting experience.”


“This is no disrespect to Warren, who did an exemplary job in tough circumstances,” he said. “Last year he deserved the opportunity to do another year, but when this came up it seemed like the right move.”


Taken from a previous Mop Up Duty article regarding Jays broadcasters:

Warren Sawkiw
As Daperman put it, Warren Sawkiw blows sunshine all day. I can’t tell if he is a real human being or not or a robot with a huge smile. Nothing he says has any substance.


It is safe to say we are not sad to see him go. Best of luck Warren, and welcome Alan.




self explanatory


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3 replies on “Warren Sawkiw Out, Alan Ashby In”
  1. says: daperman

    Best one I heard from Sawkiw was when Doc’s leg was broken in Texas early in July of 2005. Three weeks later there was word that Doc might be back first week in August. Warren’s speil was that it just goes to show what a true professional Doc is and his dedication and hard work shows in that he his returning so quickly after a broken shin. It will be good to have Doc back. By watching Doc work others on the team will be inspired to work harder so that their injuries will be over come quicker. gag gag gag.

    First off what dedication and hard work is required to heal a broken bone. No rehab no tendons or muscles were damaged a bone was allowed to go through the healing process and of course we all know that with all of Doc’s hard work, training and dedication, his broken shin did not heal as quickly as expected and he was shut down. Didn’t pitch again the rest of the year. Good bye Warren, not everything is rosy out there.

    Way before any of you guys time was Early Wynn. A classic he came up with happened two years in a row. Willy Upshaw had a birthday sometime in April I believe. Of course Early played it up as any colour man would do.

    But without exageration Early came up with the expression ” here comes the birthday boy, Willy who celebrated his birthday on April whatever….” and he continued doing this well into June.

    I think Bob Cole of HNIC took lessons from old Early.

  2. says: guppy

    It was a bad match. Jerry is goody-goody as well, and it was two turn-yer-frown-upside-down types together. There was two talking about loving their grandma’s apple pie …. It was annoying to say the least..

    This seems better, tho Ashby so far seems kinda bland

    If I were hiring, I would be looking for Grit … gritty …

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