The Top Five Reasons to be a Jays fans in 2009

The Top Five Reasons to be a Jays fans in 2009


5. Divisional Match-ups

Many concede that 2009 is a write-off. The past glimmers of hope are gone. So we might as well derive some plesure from screwing over the Red Sox or Yankees in their quest to win the AL East from the Rays. We’ll also get a fair dose of Burnett and Zaun.

4. J.P. Entertainment value

Say what you will about JP’s GM skills (many do) but don’t dare claim that he isn’t entertaining. Whether it’s talking down to no nothing followers on the Fan 590, to bull shiting the severity (or lack) of every injury, to picking up each and every 2001 all-star minor league free agent, to even starting shit for no reason with opposing players (Adam Dunn), J.P. brings the entertainment factor to the Jays nation.

3. Version 2.0 of returning players

New swing Rolen, beefed up Wells, Jansenn, Hill, Ryan, etc. This should be exciting. I look at the success/failure rate of these core players as an indication for 2010.

2. Watching Doc.

Halladay is always a joy to watch, this season he’s adding some spice with a new change. Can he post better numbers than AL counterpart CC Sabathia?

1. Keeping Tabs on the New Blood

At some point in this season we’ll see Snider, Cecil, Arencibia, Mills, etc in Toronto uniforms. This should be exciting. And let’s not forget about many of the players such as Cooper, Jackson, etc working their way through the system.

As Cedric Daniels said in season one of the Wire “I’m one patient MFer”. Let’s see how these players develop in the T-Dot and throughout the minor league system.


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